Sep 8, 2011

Toolbox Murders (2004)

Keeping up with Tobe Hooper themed reviews, now we have Toolbox Murders. I'm guessing that the storyline for this flick was somewhat (if not totally) inspired by 1978's The Toolbox Murders with some major tweaks here and there. We begin this movie with the best treat any horror fan could get: Sheri Moon Zombie.

Too bad she doesn't even make it to the 10min. mark. Whoops! ):

I enjoy every single movie with that gal in it, even if she lasts one second on screen. Anyway, Toolbox Murders narrates the story of a newlywed couple -Nell & Steven, the tool- as they adapt to their new charming apartment building, the Lusman Arms. Again I have to mention, like in the past review, the marvellous work spent on the building itself. It's damp, it's filthy, falling apart and just beautifully perfect for the story to develop. So, yeah, back to the story: we're following Nell along as she starts going crazier with all the hammering, yelling and neverending noise that clouds the building.

Unluckily, Nell is soon catalogued as emotionally unstable for calling the cops twice under apparent murder false alarms. Yay, the girl has cried wolf and now she's on her own to fuck up as our main gals always seem to do. Following the disappearance of Julia (Nell's new neighbor/bff who is spied on by some horny teenager kid), our heroine decides to unveil that evil secret that lurks within the walls of the Lusman Arms with a little hint from the wise old guy from the building, Chas.

Oh but the mystery builds when we find out that there's actually no room 504... or 404, 304, 204 and so on! Something evil from the depths of Hell or, in its defect, paranormal is always the proper explanation for whatever odd shit happens, right? I mean, the fact that the building is old as Satan himself and undergoing one of maybe a hundred remodeling jobs can't be enough. Nah, it's definitely something else.

"Building, why you no has room '04s?"


Ok, enough mood killing. So, Nell manages to get some juicy information from LA's Preservation Society about the jolly, ol' Lusman Arms building that takes her right in the nest of our Leatherface-wannabe killer. Just the fuck-up we were waiting for! I won't go farther than this, 'cause I'd be spoiling the rest of the movie for y'all, so I'll cut straight to the heartless judging. Also, I wanna nap.

What to expect?
Slow tension scenes that die out fast due their slowness, a couple of silly scares, a couple of gorey moments including chunks of dead people, a shit-ton of mummies, power tool killings, a decent story overall & some good ol' face-melting action.

Hellnation's Rating: 4/10

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